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Why the Mute Nasal Device Makes a Great Travel Companion

front of mute snoring device boxTravel is something that most of us have to do or want to do at least once in a lifetime, if not more often.

At its best, travel is a fun and enjoyable activity that can bring a great deal of happiness and new experiences into one’s life.

However, travel can often be difficult and uncomfortable, if not downright miserable when not planned for and adequately prepared for. Far away from the comforts of home, many of us become uncomfortable and suffer from any number of physical ailments. For many, sleeping when traveling becomes difficult if not downright impossible. This is doubly true of those who suffer from snoring.

Thankfully, there are solutions. With careful pre-planning and preparation, you can relieve snoring and difficulties sleeping while traveling. In fact, you may even be able to solve your snoring problems for good.

Why Sleeping Can Be Difficult When You Are Travelling

Sleeping while traveling is a near-impossible challenge for many. Fatigue is a common problem among people who travel for business and pleasure. The challenge of navigating foreign environments and making early morning flights can be extremely tiring. This is not to mention the additional fatigue that can be caused by moving over time zones and adjusting to the time difference.

Some people find that sleeping is difficult when they travel because of the unfamiliarity of their circumstances. Being far away from one’s own bed can make sleeping a challenge when on the road.

Thinking about what might be going on at home or the problems that you face as you travel can worsen insomnia and fatigue.

Congestion and Travel: What is the Relationship?

The immune system can have some difficulty adjusting to a new environment and circumstances. Many people who do not usually suffer from seasonal allergies find that when they travel somewhere new, they suffer from a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and general discomfort and congestion. Exposure to foreign bodies such as pollen in the air or new foods can cause mucus to accumulate in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages.

Additionally, the dry air circulating in the cabin of most airplanes is hard on the respiratory and immune systems and can cause or exacerbate congestion and sleep problems when you travel by air.

Fatigue and Congestion Worsen Snoring

Being exceptionally tired and feeling congested are feelings that commonly accompany extended travel.

Unfortunately, these feelings can cause or worsen symptoms of sleep apnea, such as snoring.

Tiredness begets tiredness, and already being fatigued can mean you are unable to pass through the stages of sleep effectively. This means a more interrupted sleep, louder and deeper snores, and worsened fatigue.

Meanwhile, congestion is a major cause of snoring. For many people, resolving congestion will be enough to eliminate their snoring problem. Having the nasal passages congested with mucus reduces their diameter and makes it difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs via the nose.

When air cannot get in and out of the lungs effectively through the nose, snoring is the inevitable result. Dilating the nasal passages is one of the primary interventions to help increase airflow.

Solving the Snoring Problem on the Road

Snoring on the road can be an even bigger problem than snoring in your home environment. This is because of the fatigue commonly associated with traveling, as well as congestion you may not have at home.

Fatigue, snoring, and the other health challenges that life on the road presents mean your snoring may be even worse while travelling. This may mean that you have trouble breathing during the night, have a tiring and frequently interrupted sleep, or have difficulty waking up fully the next day. This is because you have not had a restful sleep during the night as your body is struggling to maintain adequate oxygenation.

The Mute Nasal Device is one of the top anti-snoring devices you can use on the road to lessen or prevent snoring symptoms. Whether you suffer from severe obstructive sleep apnea or only occasional snoring, Mute works to ensure adequate ventilation via the nasal passages.

Why Mute Is the Optimal Anti-Snoring Travel Solution

The Mute Nasal Device is optimal for travel for a number of reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, it improves sleep duration and quality and overall well-being by making it easier to breathe through the nostrils. It provides gentle dilation of the spaces inside the nose by providing outward pressure on the walls of the nostril.

Unlike most common anti-snoring devices, Mute is extremely small and can be easily carried in a carry-on bag or discreetly in a pocket. It does not take up a lot of space and is easily portable.

No matter how severe your snoring problem is or how frequently you travel, the Mute Nasal device can help you have your best night’s sleep while on the road.

About the Author Robert J. Hudson

Chief editor here at Snore Nation and a proud father of two cool boys. I am a reformed snorer, a reformed smoker, a reformed overeater, a reformed city dweller and a reformed workaholic stress monster on the mission to share my insider tips to restore that quality sleep for you and your partner!

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