Everyone needs a good night’s rest. Poor sleep quality has been linked to a plethora of physical and mental health problems and is often due to one of many different sleep disorders.
What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans every year. It is characterized by extended pauses in your breathing patterns while you sleep, leading to reduced blood oxygen levels which can have an adverse impact on your health and wellbeing.
The types of sleep apnea broadly fall into three categories: central sleep apnea, which is due to poor communication between the respiratory system and brain; obstructive sleep apnea, which is caused by a blockage in the airway; and mixed sleep apnea, which is a combination of the two. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. It is also the most readily treatable.
In addition to gasping and choking during sleep, one of the more obvious symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is severe snoring.
Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to sufferers, depending on the type and severity.
Treatment Options
The standard treatment for OSA is with a CPAP machine which creates positive airflow to keep the airways clear and open during sleep. While this has been found to be most effective with patients suffering from severe OSA (as characterized by an AHI > 30), patients with mild to moderate apnea may find a mandibular device can alleviate the symptoms associated with OSA, such as snoring. A mandibular advancement device is not a solution to OSA. The zQuiet is an alleviation product for OSA symptoms.
The device works by gently repositioning the lower jaw of the wearer causing the airway to widen the air passage around the throat and keep it open throughout the night.
Although Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) are not currently prescribed as a treatment for sleep apnea, recent studies have shown that regular use of MADs can be effective in improving OSA. However, there is no FDA approval for OSA using a mouthpiece.
Another study has shown that patients who use MADs are likely to continue treatment regularly because of their comfort and ease of use. The study also suggests that early prolonged adherence to a treatment program is a significant predictor of the long-term success of treatment. This is why many patients who use MADs report more significant reductions in the severity of their sleep apnea symptoms.
Although more convenient than CPAP, and less invasive than surgery, some MADs require multiple trips to the dentist for fittings and readjustments to find the right comfort level and the best jaw position.
How the ZQuiet Works
Unlike many MADs, the ZQuiet does not need to be fitted by a dentist and works instantly to stop the root cause of snoring by pulling the lower jaw forward, stopping the tongue from obstructing the throat and widening the airway. This eliminates the vibrations that cause snoring and allows for increased airflow to improve other symptoms of OSA.
Some OSA sufferers may require more or less forward positioning of the jaw which is why the ZQuiet comes with two comfort levels. If you or your bed partner do not notice a reduction in the severity of your snoring, you can adjust the device yourself to bring your jaw further forward.
During sleep everyone changes position regularly to obtain the most comfortable sleeping position, this is no different for sleep apnea sufferers. However, this can make some MADs difficult to wear without waking the sleeper. Another major benefit of the ZQuiet is the innovative hinge design feature which allows for greater flexibility for both mouth and nasal snorers enabling the wearer to sleep in any position throughout the night while still maintaining its efficacy and comfort.
Finally, the ZQuiet is an FDA cleared device (for snoring, not OSA) which means that it adheres to strict guidelines for material safety and use not only giving you a better night’s rest, but also peace of mind.
Final Thoughts
Sleep apnea is a debilitating sleep disorder that often goes untreated causing serious adverse health complications. If you are unsure whether you have sleep apnea, there are several ways to test for sleep apnea before consulting with a health professional.
Chief editor here at Snore Nation and a proud father of two cool boys. I am a reformed snorer, a reformed smoker, a reformed overeater, a reformed city dweller and a reformed workaholic stress monster on the mission to share my insider tips to restore that quality sleep for you and your partner!