How To Stop Snoring - Simplified

Causes, Cures, Remedies And Tips For You and Your Partner

Snoring Overview And Facts

Snoring is an extremely common complaint, and it’s safe to assume that almost everyone snores at some point during their lifetime. Temporary conditions such as sinus infection, extreme fatigue, pregnancy or allergies may cause an individual to suffer from a short-term snoring problem, but this is a transient problem that resolves as soon as the underlying cause has been resolved. For some, however, this nocturnal nuisance is more than a simple fleeting occurrence. Chronic snoring affects a significant portion of the world’s population, with the highest incidence having been documented among men (recorded to be as high as 24% to 50% of males).

Here are some additional statistics that you should know about chronic snoring:

  • As much as 30 percent of people aged thirty and above are snorers. The proportion rises to 40 percent when it comes to middle aged people.
  • The male to female ratio of snorers is approximately 2:1.
  • Two thirds of all partnered adults say that their partner snores.
  • Of the total adult population in the UK, 41.5% of them are chronic snorers. That figure is increased to 43.75% when dealing specifically with the middle aged population (ages 30 – 69 years).
  • Sleep apnea may occur in as much as 20 to 40 percent of the adult population that are snorers.
  • Approximately 9 percent of all men and 4 percent of all women between the ages of 30 and 60 are affected by sleep apnea.
  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drowsy driving is responsible for at least 100,000 car crashes as well as 1,550 fatalities per year.
  • Also, 5.6% of all children snore habitually.

Snoring Causes And Symptoms

Chronic snoring is caused by a number of contributing factors, so it can be difficult to determine the root cause of one person’s condition. It helps to know the most common causes, though, so that you may eventually find a treatment solution that works for your unique situation.

As you read through the list below, notice that there is a combination of factors that cannot be controlled and those that may be regulated by simple lifestyle changes.

Common Causes of Chronic Snoring

  • Obesity – Being significantly overweight increases your risk for chronic snoring and sleep apnea exponentially.
  • Age – As we mentioned in the first section, the overall percentage of snorers in the UK increases proportionately with age.
  • Body Structural Issues – For some, this means having a shorter-than-average neck. Others may have a longer palate that what is considered “normal”, a large tongue, or even a problem with the nasal structures.
  • Alcohol, Smoking, and MedicationsAlcohol and other sedatives (whether prescription or otherwise) can cause the muscles of your upper airways to relax so much that these passages become obstructed, which causes the vibration that we refer to as snoring. Smoking, as you surely already know, can irritate the sensitive membranes of the airways, leading to chronic swelling, inflammation, and increased mucoid secretions.

Symptoms and Side Effects of Snoring

Again, the side effects of snoring will be different according to the underlying cause. They may include any combination of the following:

  • Generally restless sleep or frequent waking throughout the night
  • Daytime sleepiness and difficulty getting through routine daily tasks
  • Decreased mental clarity, as well as depression, anxiety, and irritability
  • Sore throat and irritated sinuses (most severe upon waking)
  • High blood pressure, with or without chest pain
  • Gasping or choking during the night, often causing the sufferer to wake in a panic

Self-Tests And Diagnosis 

If your partner has been complaining about your noisy nighttime problem or if you have noticed any of the symptoms that we’ve listed above, you may want to dig a bit deeper into your snoring problem. To begin determining your individual level of risk for chronic snoring, you should first calculate your body mass index. (This can be done quickly and easily with any of the BMI calculators that are available online today). You should then consider your daily habits, including alcohol consumption and whether or not you smoke.

Once you’ve established your personal risk factors, try one or more of the following self-tests for snoring:

Nasal Passages

Keep your mouth closed during this test. First, use a finger to hold one of your nostrils closed. Inhale and exhale deeply through the open nostril. Listen closely for any whistling and pay close attention to whether or not the nostril collapses. Repeat the test on the other nostril. If either or both of your nostrils appears to be affected, nasal strips may be a great place to start when looking for antisnoring remedies.


If you can make a snoring noise with your mouth open, but not with your mouth closed, your problem is very likely due to the way you breathe while sleeping. The best place to start looking for treatment options would be with chin straps or other devices that will hold your mouth closed while you sleep. This will also help in the long-term development of the healthier habit of breathing through your nose.

The Base of the Tongue

Some chronic snoring may be caused by the way that the base of your tongue falls during sleep. To determine whether or not this is the root of your problem, pull your tongue as far forward as possible. If you are unable to make a snoring sound with your tongue in this position, you may be suffering from what is known as “tongue base snoring”.

Snoring Cures, Remedies And Treatments 

The number of anti-snoring treatment options available today is almost unfathomable, and they range from something as benign as a nasal dilator strip to surgical procedures as extreme as shortening the palate or restructuring the nose. For the vast majority of chronic snorers, however, the most effective treatment options fall somewhere between these two extremes. Here are a few examples of the snoring remedies that are currently available:

  • Nasal Dilator Strips – These are sold “over-the-counter” in just about every country worldwide. They are affordable and harmless, and many snorers will try this before moving on to the more costly choices.
  • Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces – There are countless mouthpieces available that have been designed to remedy a snoring problem. The most common mouthpieces fall into one of two categories: mandibular advancement devices and tongue retainers.
  • Humidifiers and Vaporizers – These work best for the chronic snorer whose problem stems from sinus issues or allergies. Some people choose to also add essential oils to the vapor in an effort to enhance its effects.
  • Surgery – In the most extreme cases, surgery may be the only option to cure a chronic snoring problem. This may be any one of a number of procedures, including a tonsillectomy, palatoplasty, rhinoplasty, and more. Surgery is almost never considered unless all other options have been exhausted.
  • Lifestyle Changes – This may include weight loss, treatment for dependencies, upper airway exercise routines, smoking cessation, and even prescription medication adjustments (performed only under the supervision of a medical professional).

It’s important to understand that chronic snoring may be an indicator of a much bigger medical issue, so if you’ve tried multiple self-help remedies for snoring to no avail, it may be time to speak with a medical professional about the severity of your problem. In most cases of chronic snoring, however, sufferers are able to reach a resolution on their own.