So many people have come to count snoring as a natural part of sleep, and in most homes, the problem goes ignored for years or even an entire lifetime.
Chronic snoring is anything but “normal”, however, and it’s important that you understand how it can impact your partner’s life. Whether the problem is new or you’ve been living with it for years, it’s time for you to talk with your partner about taking steps to stop his or her chronic snoring. Here are a few reasons why.
1. Patients who have a history of long-term snoring or sleep apnea have a higher incidence of cardiac arrhythmias and enlargement of certain structures in the heart.
Surely, we don’t need to go into detail about the terrible effects of heart disease, but if you’d like to continue reading about the health implications, we recommend visiting the British Heart Foundation to learn more.
2. Snoring has been closely associated with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), although it’s important to note that researchers are yet unable to determine if snoring causes the reflux symptoms or vice versa. In any case, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease can cause some very serious long-term complications, not the least of which are ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
A less common, but no less significant, side effect of the disease is Esophageal Cancer. Obviously, the relationship between GERD and chronic snoring is not something to be ignored.
3. It seems reasonable that people who suffer from poor sleep are probably not very happy people, in general. That is a generalization, though, and it’s extremely understated.
In fact, many cases of clinical depression can be directly attributed to chronic snoring (and the sleep disturbances that go along with it). Chronic snorers and their sleepless partners are more likely to experience feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, and hopelessness than their non-snoring counterparts, and they may also suffer from a concomitant case of generalized anxiety.
4. Chronic snorers are at a higher risk of suffering from an accidental injury, particularly one involving a motor vehicle accident.
Studies have also shown that treating sleep disorders, such as chronic snoring and sleep apnea, has been directly associated with a decrease in the risk of workplace injuries.
These are all very serious reasons that you should be talking to your partner about his or her snoring problem, but you should also be thinking of your own well-being, in addition to your partner’s health.
Someone who shares a bed with a chronic snorer is undoubtedly also losing sleep and suffering the ill effects of poor quality rest.
Your partner is not the only person in this situation who is at risk for long-term side effects.
For more information about how chronic snoring affects your overall health and well-being, download our FREE Ultimate Partners Snoring Guide. You can also view some of our top reviewed mouth guards and mouthpieces by reading our in-depth reviews on SnoreRx, Zyppah, ZQuiet, and Good Morning Snore Solution.
Inside, you’ll find a wealth of information, including a comprehensive list of snoring complications, tips for discussing the problem with your partner, and steps that you can take to alleviate the problem.
Chief editor here at Snore Nation and a proud father of two cool boys. I am a reformed snorer, a reformed smoker, a reformed overeater, a reformed city dweller and a reformed workaholic stress monster on the mission to share my insider tips to restore that quality sleep for you and your partner!