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How to Tell if Your Baby Has Sleep Apnea

Loud snoring is the most common sign of sleep apnea in babies and children. It’s important that you talk to your pediatrician if you have noticed any strange symptoms related to your babies breathing. If sleep apnea in children goes undiagnosed it can cause ongoing fatigue and behavioral problems. If the condition isn’t treated at a young age it can result in learning problems. ADHD is a product of apnea and it can change the extent at which a child grows physically and mentally; this is because of a lack of oxygen and how difficult it is for the child to breathe while sleeping.

Sleep Apnea in Children: Symptoms

If your baby has sleep apnea they are more likely to make gasp and snore sounds consistently throughout the night. They may stop breathing on occasion or sleep in strange positions. They are likely to be restless in an attempt to sleep and sweat heavily because their lungs are not getting enough oxygen to maintain the appropriate body temperature. Sleep apnea makes it difficult to wake up your child and it also causes irritability. Older children are more prone to have difficulty at school learning and with other students. Your child may suffer from more headaches or breathe through their mouth instead of their nose regularly.


Growth, Sleep and Anxiety

If you have had your child checked for sleep apnea and they do have hard time breathing, they are likely to suffer from medical issues later on in life. It can change the way that a baby grows because they aren’t getting the proper amount of oxygen which is essential to their growth.  Apnea occurs when tissues around the neck weaken, obstructing breathing airways. The fat tissue, at times, can block the airway for as long as 30 seconds. Children are more likely to suffer from stress and anxiety and deal with panic attacks during the night.

If your baby is suffering from sleep debt or a lack of rest, it can keep them from being able to cope with change or feelings naturally. It may eventually lead to physical symptoms if it isn’t dealt with sooner than later. Sleep apnea causes weakness and irritability due to the lack of energy. If your child is crying more often and having difficulty sleeping it could also be a symptom.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea in Babies

There are many children who have large tonsils and it changes the way that they breathe while at rest. The most common way to treat apnea is by having the child’s tonsils removed. There may be issues with their nasal passage as well. Some children wear a mask while sleeping (CPAP). This delivers steady air and oxygen so that they can breathe easily and sleep well. Rest is essential to your child’s health so that they grow properly and don’t suffer from medical problems in the future. By getting a diagnosis from a pediatrician you will ensure that your baby is healthy – if sleep apnea is found, there are many safe treatment options.

About the Author Robert J. Hudson

Chief editor here at Snore Nation and a proud father of two cool boys. I am a reformed snorer, a reformed smoker, a reformed overeater, a reformed city dweller and a reformed workaholic stress monster on the mission to share my insider tips to restore that quality sleep for you and your partner!

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