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SleepBot – iPhone App

3 Sleep Apps for iPhone To Help You Get More and Better Sleep

Modern technology has touched our lives in so many ways, and our sleep habits are no exception. The options for sleep apps for iPhone are virtually endless, so we have created the list below as a starting point for our readers who are looking for the solution to a better night’s rest.


SleepBot - iPhone App

Sleepbot is a versatile nighttime tracker that provides graphs of your sleep trends going as far back as six months.  It tracks such useful information as bedtime, wake time, sleep duration, and sleep patterns. We’re not able to attest to the accuracy of this app, but we love the overall concept.  This could be a very useful tool for patients who wish to speak with their doctor about unhealthy sleep patterns or simply want to figure out the reason(s) behind their lack of sleep and low energy levels. As far as sleep apps for iPhone go, this one really does come with all the features you could ask for.

Our favorite feature: Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep?  Surely, they were telling stories, right?  Well, Sleepbot may be able to offer the answer you’re looking for. When it comes to noises and “bumps” in the night, this app simply does not lie.  It will detect nocturnal noises, such as snoring and sleep-talking, and automatically record them so that you can get an idea of your own nighttime activity.

Sleep Better

Runtastic - Sleep Better App

The Sleep Better app comes from the makers of another iOS favorite, Runtastic.  It is a tracker that offers weekly, monthly, and even yearly data trends.  What’s even better is that, unlike many other sleep apps for iPhone, you won’t need an advanced degree in statistics to read the charts produced by Sleep Better.  This app shows data in colorful graphs that are very easy to interpret.

Our favorite features: This may seem a bit “over the top”, but for those of you who are interested in moon phases, Sleep Better will offer insight into how those phases are affecting your sleep habits. Also, if you’re not overly concerned with privacy, the app offers a variety of social sharing options, including Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and email.

Smart Alarm Clock

Smart Alarm - Better Sleep iPhone App

Like Sleepbot, the Smart Alarm Clock offers a variety of motion-tracking and noise-recording features, but something that sets this one apart from other sleep apps for iPhone is the “powernap mode” that allows you to track naps under 45 minutes.

This app covers both ends of the spectrum, with a library of music meant to help you wake up, as well as a variety of tracks to help you unwind and fall asleep.

Our favorite features:  Smart Alarm Clock comes with a very handy weather display on wakeup, allowing you to prepare for any weather conditions as soon as you leave your bed.

Whether you need something to track your nighttime activity, help you fall asleep easier, or make you wake up brighter, we’re sure that there’s an app that is right for you.

Have your tried any sleep apps you like? Let us know in comments which are your favorites.  

About the Author Robert J. Hudson

Chief editor here at Snore Nation and a proud father of two cool boys. I am a reformed snorer, a reformed smoker, a reformed overeater, a reformed city dweller and a reformed workaholic stress monster on the mission to share my insider tips to restore that quality sleep for you and your partner!

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