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6 Tips to Stop Menopause Snoring

Everyone knows the story of the individual who snores so loudly and often that his or her partner must consistently roll them over or even kick them out of bed just to get some sleep.

Snoring is caused by vibrations in the soft tissues located in the head and neck of an individual. In recent research, a link between women going through menopause and an increased propensity to snoring has been found.

This might include women who have never been known to snore, but suddenly find they cannot control the action. To help these women, the following list will go over some useful tips to try and stop this annoying, and potentially harmful, phenomenon.

Speak with a Medical Professional

Menopause occurs in women who have reached a certain age where their ovaries no longer produce eggs, and they are therefore unable to bear children. Menopause brings with it a variety of possible symptoms that vary from woman to woman, but nearly every woman will experience a major shift in their hormonal balance, which can negatively affect other areas of their lives both physically and mentally.

To better understand what specific changes you are experiencing, it is always a good idea to meet with a medical professional who can discuss your options, which can range from a change in lifestyle to the addition of hormonal therapies that might be able to get your system back in alignment and reduce your propensity to snore.

Change Sleeping Positions

Often, snoring is caused by the way in which you sleep. If you tend to sleep on your back, this may be exacerbating the soft tissues in your head and neck that cause snoring. Try to sleep exclusively on your sides or stomach to see if that eases the problem and either eliminates or reduces snoring.

If side and front sleeping are not an option for your, then consider raising the head of your bed anywhere between 4 to 8 inches. The slight incline may help ease the possible restriction your body is experiencing which is causing the snoring. There are also specially designed pillows available that incline the head slightly to the same effect.

lady doing yogaLifestyle Changes

Increased exercise and a healthier diet are great methods to reduce your weight and foster an overall sense of healthy living throughout your body, which may help reduce the frequency of snoring. If you are a smoker, you should seriously consider quitting, as smoke irritates the throat and can cause irreparable damage to the small and large airways, all of which can cause snoring, as well as more serious health issues.

Also, try to avoid heavy snacks or meals and alcohol at least an hour or two before bed. Going to bed with a stomach full of rich foods or alcohol can increase your chances of snoring and, if you suffer from acid reflux, can seriously damage your digestive tract.

Work on Losing Weight

With age, the human body tends to lose muscle mass and the metabolic processes that are necessary to help burn excess weight. Increased weight around the neck and middle can lead to an increase in snoring; this is particularly true for women going through menopause, as their bodies are producing less progesterone which can lead to weight gain.

Again, a change to a healthy lifestyle will help keep your weight down and, hopefully, your snoring to a minimum. Focus on keeping a healthy weight is helpful for a number of health issues; snoring is just the tip of the iceberg.

Go to Bed “Light Weight”

Avoid wearing constrictive clothing and heavy blankets when going to bed to decrease your risk of overheating. A cool, “light” room can help increase sleep efficiency by providing a comfortable and well-circulated atmosphere that promotes restful sleep and may help reduce snoring. Doing this may also help keep other menopause symptoms under better control (such as the infamous “hot flashes”) and increase your health overall.

Reduce Stress

Stress is a notorious cause of many different health issues, and snoring is one of them. Try to find a balance in your life that allows for relaxation. If there is an unnecessary stressor in your life, see what you can do to either reduce or get rid of it completely. If you are still having issues controlling your stress levels, consider speaking with a behavioral therapist for more options.

Final Thoughts

With age often comes undesirable changes. But rather than suffer through menopause symptoms that may be causing you to snore and lose restful sleep, take control and fight back to stop snoring and increase your overall wellness. If some of these tips fail to help you stop snoring and start sleeping, look into our many snoring device reviews. A few companies (SnoreRx, ZQuiet, and Zyppah) offer top quality  “Made In The USA” snoring mouth guards that have helped many consumers.

About the Author Robert J. Hudson

Chief editor here at Snore Nation and a proud father of two cool boys. I am a reformed snorer, a reformed smoker, a reformed overeater, a reformed city dweller and a reformed workaholic stress monster on the mission to share my insider tips to restore that quality sleep for you and your partner!

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