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Category Archives for Better Sleep

What Is White Noise And How White Noise Machine Can Help You Sleep

We all don't get the sleep we need. Why is that? Things like work, stress, or just having difficulty winding down before bedtime are just a few reasons why people have trouble sleeping.Countless studies

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Five Weird Tricks To Help You Fall Asleep Faster

Trying to fall asleep can sometimes be a difficult task. Even people who have relatively regular sleep schedules might have a rough time falling asleep. Maybe it’s the cup of coffee you drank in

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Is It Better To Sleep Without A Pillow?

The concept of the pillow dates back nearly 9,000 years to Mesopotamia when people used blocks of stone to raise their heads while they slept. The ancient Egyptians are also believed to have rested their

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Can’t Sleep? Here Are 20 Ways to Fall Asleep Fast!

You care about what you eat, how you exercise, where you work, and everything in between. So why not care about how well you sleep? Sleep constitutes about 1/3 of your total time alive; no other single

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Daytime Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Rest

Getting a better night’s rest isn’t always the impossible task that it seems to be. Of course, there are a variety of medical conditions that are known for contributing to the problem of insomnia. 

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3 Sleep Apps for iPhone To Help You Get More and Better Sleep

Modern technology has touched our lives in so many ways, and our sleep habits are no exception. The options for sleep apps for iPhone are virtually endless, so we have created the list below as a starting

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How Poor Sleep Quality Affects Your Sex Life

It’s a well-known fact that lack of sleep can lead to lower levels of energy and an overall feeling of fatigue.  For those who suffer from long term sleep deprivation, this cycle is perpetual,

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10 Science-Backed Hacks for Better Sleep

Chronic sleep deprivation, or not sleeping well enough throughout the night, can have significant negative effects on your health. It affects your mental and physical health as well as your day to day

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All That You Should Know About Snoring in Children

Although a small kid’s snore may sound funny, or even cute to some parents, the snoring habit in children can lead to other issues such as poor school record, bedwetting and more. In fact, many children

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15 Long-Kept Sleep Secrets You Wish You’d Known Sooner

One of the most undervalued routines of our lives, sleep is something that is of utmost importance in our day-to-day existence. Regardless, if you look around you’ll see widespread ignorance about

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Study Says: Too Much Sleep is Bad for You

Too much of anything isn’t great for our health. Moderation is key in making sure that we are caring for our body and mind. Many people suffer from anxiety, health problems and stress because they

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6 Tips on How to Fall Asleep Fast

In order to get more sleep you will have to make it a habit and routine. When our bodies are tired it can feel difficult to unwind, especially with a hectic work schedule. When we get the rest that we

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