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Category Archives for Better Sleep

6 Bedtime Drinks to Help You Fall Asleep

Pills, apps and wristbands, new mattresses – if you’ve tried a variety of methods to fall asleep faster, you may be running out of patience for new ideas. However, the solution may be hiding

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Sleeping Position, Personality Traits, and their Effect on Your Sleep

If you’ve ever slept alongside a snorer, you’ll know that when they are sleeping on their back, they are more likely to snore. Prodding and poking snorers is usually an attempt to get them

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8 Best Plants for Cleaner Air and Better Sleep

Indoor plants serve a dual purpose: beauty and utility. Plants are essential to human life, and the right plants can even improve that quality of life through a greater degree of air purification. Snoring,

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Cool Technology to Help You Sleep

The science of sleep and insomnia can be messy, and there are dozens of factors that can affect an individual’s sleepless nights. Sleep patterns can be affected by everything from indigestion to

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How Stress Impacts Your Sleep

Have you ever complained about “losing sleep” over a problem? Intuitively, we feel that daytime stress can negatively affect sleep. Research has shown that stress is a unique enemy of sleep

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Do Sleep Tracking Devices Really Work?

Sleep tracking devices are all the rage. Even bargain basement devices claim to offer significant insights into your sleeping habits. For anyone who wakes up feeling tired sleep tracking devices offer

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7 Popular Anti-Snore Pillows, A Review of Brands

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” ~ Thomas Dekker A good night’s sleep is the best way to start a day. While many variables influence sleep quality,

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Are You a Candidate for Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation Therapy?

Snoring is a common ailment that affects 37 million Americans on a regular basis. Snoring is responsible for many social, physical, and mental health issues, but for some chronic snorers, it can be indicative

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Three Popular Snore Apps that Work

Smartphone apps are one way to monitor and stop snoring for good. After all, many people sleep with their phone next to them on a table, and the technology involved in the apps is more powerful than ever. Knowing

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Daylight Savings Time and Its Effect on Sleep

Few people stop to consider the impact of daylight savings time beyond being happy that they gain an hour of sleep when fall comes. However, there are many common misunderstandings related to the “spring

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Can Your Fitbit™ Help Reduce Snoring?

There are many treatment options available to snorers from mouthpieces to nasal strips to surgery. However, there is one piece of technology that you may not have considered that can help you to stop snoring,

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How Smart Bed Technology Helps You Stop Snoring

Snoring can cause a variety of problems in your life. Not only could snoring be an indicator that something is wrong with your body, like having sleep apnea, but it can also be an annoyance. Thankfully

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